Featured Services
Featured Services

Tibial-Plateau-Leveling-Osteotomy (TPLO)
Tibial-Plateau-Leveling-Osteotomy (TPLO)
Cranial Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears are the most common cause of acute lameness involving hind-limbs. TPLOs have been successful in resorting comfortable hind-limb function after an appropriate healing period. TPLOs have some perceived advantages over suture-based techniques in larger, younger, or very active dogs. These advantages include, improved limb function, return to preoperative activity levels, and slower progression of osteoarthritis with less periarticular fibrosis.

Medial Patella Luxation (MPL)
Medial Patella Luxation (MPL)
Patellar luxations are a common orthopedic conditions in dogs. The condition affects primarily small dogs, especially breeds such as Boston and Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and miniature poodles.
Symptoms associated with patellar luxation vary greatly with the severity of the disease. This condition may be an incidental finding detected by your veterinarian on a routine physical examination or may cause your pet to carry the affected limb up all the time. Most dogs affected by this disease will suddenly carry the limb up for a few steps (“skip”), and may be seen shaking or extending the leg prior to regaining its full use.

Femoral Head and Neck Excision Arthroplasty (FHO, FHNEA)
Femoral Head and Neck Excision Arthroplasty (FHO, FHNEA)
FHOs can help to restore near normal function after trauma, hip luxations, fractures, or severe degenerative joint disease. The ball and socket joint has been removed and a pseudoarthrosis will develop. This will rely on the muscles of the hind-limb (gluteals) to support the leg.
FHOs are commonly performed in cats after hip fractures. Capital physeal fractures occur commonly in young male cats that were neutered at a young age.

Lateral Femoral Tibial Suture (LFS, Extracapsular Stabilization)
Lateral Femoral Tibial Suture (LFS, Extracapsular Stabilization)
Extra-capsular suture stabilization (also called “lateral fabellar suture stabilization” and the “fishing line technique”) has been performed for many years. While there are many variations of this technique (different suture materials, ways to tie the suture, how to attach the suture to the bone and so forth), the general concept of this procedure is to replace the function of a defective CCL on the outside of the joint. This is usually accomplished by utilizing a strong suture placed along a similar orientation to the original cruciate ligament.
This technique is generally recommended in small and toy breed dogs.

Mass Removals
Mass Removals
Lumps and bumps are common in pets. These may be benign or they may be malignant tumors. Many different types of tumors are treated surgically as part of their treatment. Mast cell tumors and soft tissue sarcomas are the most common "lumps" treated surgically. They have very different characteristics and require different surgical approaches.
Masses on internal organs such as the spleen are also commonly treated with surgery.
Dr. McFadden has special interest in many types of exotics animals. His passion for exotics grew after training with Dr. Avery Bennett and Dr. Mark Mitchell in Illinois. He’s done orthopedic and soft tissue surgery on many different species, including: tigers, panthers, geese, primates, red tail hawks, lemurs and a wallaby just to name a few. Please do not hesitate to reach out for a consultation if you have any questions or exotic patients you may need assistance with.

Many other services may not be listed. Please contact us with any questions or if you'd like to discuss a patient in your care.
Many other services may not be listed. Please contact us with any questions or if you'd like to discuss a patient in your care.
► Special Note
► Special Note
While many procedures can be performed on an out-patient basis, some procedures may require extended or overnight care. Patients with significant concurrent medical conditions or traumatic injuries may require additional diagnostics and postoperative care. For these cases, referral to a 24-hour facility may be recommended.